Give it a name

Give it a name

Come on, admit it. I know you have some writing superstitions. Perhaps you won’t title a thing until it’s finished. Maybe you won’t even begin to draft the first word of your story without being utterly sure about the ending.

Such cageyness can undermine a project. Things aren’t going the way you imagined? No problem. It isn’t like anyone is waiting to read your essay…. and therein lies the problem.

Secure your oxygen mask and discover your writing motivation

Secure your oxygen mask and discover your writing motivation

Every day life can feel like a challenge. How can you possibly work on your book, and is it selfish to do so? On an airplane, if you are traveling with a young child, they advise you that if there is a change in cabin pressure to put your own mask on before tending to a minor. Writing is similar. Once you establish a writing routine, you may feel off balance when you do not write. And yet you want to write—how can you make this happen? Start SMALL.