Be brave(r)

In addition to teaching writing workshops to both teens and adults, I also belong to a writing workshop of my own. It’s comprised of five other writers from Indiana—I’ve served as faculty members with some of them and others I’ve met through the group. This is not my first workshop, so by now I have a fair number of “rules” I try to live by. One of them being that I try not to share anything too new. I find that if I share something that I’m too close to or still trying to understand, that my skin tends to be extra thin and I sometimes find it difficult to really grasp the feedback I’m receiving

But last week, I challenged myself and shared something very, very new with my writing group. Why did I do it? Frankly, I wanted to be braver—braver than I have in the past. I wanted to test my moxie and this newer piece felt exciting to me. I wanted to capitalize on that excitement. What do you think happened?

Well, as you can imagine, my fellow writers found holes in it. And these holes did leave me feeling deflated for a day or two. But then I found that their feedback energized me. I would prove them wrong. I would show them what I really meant to say in that passage. I would be brave.

I share this with each of you because I know you have your own shows of bravery, and I want you to know that I applaud you. Whether you made the writing goals you set last week or not, challenge yourself to make another one for this coming week.

Welcome bravery. Continue to make it yours.