What's your adage?

I recently read an interview with an author who, while working toward the completion of her first manuscript and juggling a full-time job, was riddled with self-doubt. The more she worked on her project, the more she believed in it, and yet she still found herself battling a gnawing doubt that her book would never be any good, and who would read it anyways?

Alone in her head, these dark thoughts grew ever menacing until she crafted a saying for herself. Each night, after brushing her teeth, she forced herself to stare into the bathroom mirror and say, “I am going to be a New York Times Bestselling author.”

In the interview, she mentioned how silly she felt. No one would read her book. She didn’t know where she was going with her pages. But still, each night, she stood in front of the mirror and claimed a positive adage for herself: “I am going to be a New York Times Bestselling author.”

You’re waiting for me to say that she did become a New York Times Bestselling author (you are so smart!) and it’s true. She made her deadlines. She finished her edits. Her book was really well received, but I’m going to put out there that she primed the well and created the opportunity for herself to become a New York Times Bestseller.

Now my question to you: what adage could you craft to bring you closer to the reality you hope to someday live? Say it now.